
Chinese, Dominican presidents exchange congratulations on 20th anniversary of diplomatic ties

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Chinese President Xi Jinping and President of the Commonwealth of Dominica Sylvanie Burton exchanged

Chinese President Xi Jinping and President of the Commonwealth of Dominica Sylvanie Burton exchanged congratulations on Saturday on the 20th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations.

Describing Dominica as an important cooperation partner of China in the Caribbean region, Xi said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties 20 years ago, bilateral relations have maintained a high level of development, with ever stronger political mutual trust, fruitful practical cooperation and ever deeper friendship between the two peoples.

Xi said he highly values the development of bilateral relations, and stands ready to work with President Burton to take the 20th anniversary of the ties as a new starting point to deepen bilateral cooperation in various fields, promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and jointly build an even better future for bilateral relations.

Depicting Dominica-China relations as dynamic and fruitful, Burton said that the Dominican side cherishes the friendship with China, appreciates China's support and assistance, and is willing to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation to jointly tackle global challenges.

Also on Saturday, Chinese Premier Li Qiang exchanged congratulations with his Dominican counterpart, Roosevelt Skerrit.

Li said that China is willing to make joint efforts with Dominica to take the 20th anniversary of bilateral ties as an opportunity to deepen practical cooperation in various fields so as to bring more benefits to the two peoples.

Skerrit said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties 20 years ago, Dominica and China have seen mutual respect and mutual understanding, and China's support and cooperation have made important contributions to Dominica's economic and social development.

He voiced confidence that the bilateral relations will continue to strengthen and move forward.

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